Elections at LUU

Your voice counts
Leeds University Union (LUU) is a student-led representative body, representing you … and the other 40,000 students studying at The University of Leeds. You are automatically a member of LUU.
As we are student-led, there are a number of ways to have a direct say in how LUU is run, and elections are an integral part of that.
There are several election periods that run across each academic year so there’s always an opportunity to get involved in democracy at LUU. Whether you’re looking to steer a society or influence national policy, we’re confident there’s something for you.
Our elections are open to anyone to vote or stand, and you don’t need to be a campaigning expert to get involved – just passion, ideas and a drive to get stuck in!
The Political Engagement Team is here to support you every step of the way, providing training and tips, resources and mentoring. You can always get in touch with them at LUU.PET@leeds.ac.uk.
LeadLUU is our annual Student Executive election – it’s one of the biggest student elections in the country, and is a pretty big deal in the Leeds campus calendar. Every student is invited to run for one of the six Student Exec roles which work together to lead LUU for a year. These are:
- Activities and Opportunities Officer
- Education Officer
- Equality and Liberation Officer
- International and Postgraduate Officer
- Union Affairs and Communications Officer
- Wellbeing Officer
The Exec Officers act as trustees of LUU, contributing to strategic decisions about our direction as an organisation, and represent the voice of over 40,000 students in high-level decision making at the Union and University.
There is also the Gryphon Editor role, working to produce the University of Leeds’ monthly newspaper.
- The Gryphon Editor
The Election Timeline
- Nominations | 18 November – 31 January Exec
- 1-1 meetings | 20 – 31 January
- Optional “So you want to LeadLUU sessions for BAME students, disabled students, international and / or postgraduate students and Women+ sessions will take place during Fresh Start”
- Candidates’ Academy | 6 – 7 February (required training – attendance is compulsory)
- Creation and Creation Week | from 10am, 10 February Meet the Candidates / Candidates’ Question Time | w/c 10 February
- Voting | 10am, 17 February – 2pm, 20 February
- Results Night | 21 February
Further information can be found in the Candidates’ Guide
Activities Executive Elections
The Activities Executive are 13 elected students who represent members of LUU societies to the University and LUU. Being a member of the Activities Exec is an exciting way to impact the way LUU is run, as well as a great way to meet creative people, and hold amazing events.
Each member of the Activities Exec represents a category of LUU societies, from Performance & Music to Welfare.
They make key decisions about new society formations, allocate funding, chair five Society Executive Category Meetings to gather feedback on proposed policies, and represent the voices and needs of students at the Better Forums.
All of our Activities Executive are elected by members of Clubs & Societies in their category, and you need to belong to a Club or Society in the relevant category to stand for a position.
- Nominations open | Monday 9 December
- Nominations close | Friday 31 January
- Voting | 10am, 17 February- 2pm, 20 February
- Results | Friday 21 February