Academic Representation
Welcome to academic representation
The University of Leeds and the Leeds University Union work in partnership to ensure student-led academic representation to improve your time at Leeds. Our Academic Reps consist of Course Reps, School Reps, and Faculty Officers.
This page provides you with key information about our Academic Reps, including an FAQ section and a glossary.

Looking for your School Rep?
Course Reps:
- Deal with module specific feedback and overall course feedback. This might include things like teaching and assessment of specific modules, module enrolment, deadlines, access to resources and more.
- Work with Module and Course leaders to communicate student opinions and make quick changes that benefit you.
School Reps:
- Speak on behalf of students and influence decision making at School, Faculty and University level, and feed back decisions to fellow students and reps.
- Collaborate with Course Reps to consult students in your School.
- Connect with academic societies in your School to gather student opinion and ensure students’ expectations are met in all areas.
- Contribute opinions to, and vote on, important LUU policy via Better Forums.
Faculty Officers:
- Gather information from all the School Reps in a Faculty to provide insights to senior decision-making bodies in the University so that your specific experience is considered for any University-wide policies.
- Work with the LUU Education Officer to review and suggest policy that is beneficial for all students.

Course Reps are focused on improving your day to day academic experience – they can be approached for module specific feedback and overall course feedback. This might include things like teaching and assessment of specific modules, module enrolment, deadlines, access to resources and more. They work with Module and Course leaders to communicate student opinions and make quick changes that benefit you.
A School Rep is focused on monitoring overall opinions and feelings about the School in general. They often look at policies that will affect students on a wider scale and meet with Directors of Student Education for the entire School. They also attend LUU meetings to speak on your behalf about upcoming policy decisions.
Faculty Officers gather information from all the School Reps in a Faculty and use this to provide insights to senior decision-making bodies in the University so that your specific experience is considered for any University-wide policies. They work with the LUU Education Officer to review and suggest policy that is beneficial for all students.
LUU recruits School Reps and Faculty Officers, whilst Course Reps are recruited within Courses. All reps are trained by LUU and can access support throughout the year.
Any student at Leeds is eligible to be an Academic Rep! Head to our Academic Rep Hub for more information. There, you’ll also find support for existing Academic Reps.
Learn more about:
Alternatively, you can email the Academic Engagement team for more information at
When you give feedback to a Rep, they may firstly look to gather more information by speaking to other students or collecting evidence of your issue. This helps them take the problem to a staff member who is capable of making the change. Some changes may take longer than others and will go through approval at various meetings, but your Rep should keep students updated at all stages of the process.
LUU publishes regular updates on some of the key activity undertaken by School Reps – check out our News page for the latest!
EDI: This stands for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, and is related to the University’s EDI Implementation Plan 2023-2025. Consequently, each School has a form of – or will create – an EDI Committee.
SSPF: Student Staff Partnership Forum: A meeting for Course Reps and School Reps to meet with staff to discuss any student-based issues.
STSEC: School Taught Student Education Committee: A meeting to allow School Reps to update the School on what they are working on. Issues and proposals affecting education within the School are also discussed.
FTSEC: Faculty Taught Student Education Committee: An informal meeting to discuss student views between School Reps, the Faculty Officer, and the Pro-Dean for Student Education in the relevant Faculty. School Reps are asked to provide feedback reports to inform these meetings.
Senate: This is the highest decision making body in the University. It is attended by various Deans of Education and the Education Executive Officer. Faculty Officers provide a report on their Faculty to be discussed at the meeting.
Education Assemblies: Meetings between your Education Officer and School Reps to discuss LUU policy (which is used to lobby the University).
Better Forums: Meetings to discuss policy proposals from students in addition to a gathering of Student Reps.
What have the Reps been up to?
“As a School Rep, one of my favourite aspects has been being able to elevate student voices by collaborating closely with staff and faculty members. My focus has always been on fostering a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere by bridging the gap between students and staff. It has been incredibly fulfilling to work together towards shared objectives, and to genuinely feel the recognition of student perspectives. This is particularly evident in our Student-Staff Partnership meetings, where students take the lead, providing the opportunity for them to steer the discussions and voice any concerns. Throughout both semesters, our communication channels have proven to be incredibly constructive and effective in addressing student needs. This is exactly why I chose to apply for this role, and I am thrilled to see the positive impact it’s making.”

Say hello
The Academic Engagement Team (AET) helps and supports School Reps, Course Reps and Faculty Officers to make positive changes to their education and enrich student academic experience while at Leeds.
To get in touch with the Academic Engagement team, please email