Amara Relf, Equality & Liberation Officer:
This month Amara has been breaking barriers in her accessibility work, the new Accessibility App has been approved – more updates to come in the new year. Keep your eyes peeled! She has also been working on her Fix the Cistem work with the Binder Library – a trial event where students could take a binder to use, and they could then be returned. She has also been working on a number of Trans Inclusive Policy updates.
To empower your voices Amara has put the hours in working on the Mayor’s fund, and SASHA Accreditation. In November she also held the Reclaim the Night March, an annual event that stands as a powerful declaration of women’s rights to freedom, safety and equity. She also has made an appearance at the Westminster Higher Education Forum talking about Tackling Sexual Harassment within UK HEI. Finally she’s proud to announce that all positions on the Liberation Committee have been filled! Keep a lookout for more information in the new year.
Felix Ejessu, International & Postgraduate Officer:
This month Felix has been bust improving your student experience. He was recently involved in the University Block Research Review Framework to expedite research proposal reviews. He has also submitted to the Taught Students Education Board (TSEB) Task and Finish Group installed LUU asks for PGR payment uniformity, training, and contracts. He also has had success in his recent proposal and has received news that the University will be supporting Guarantor to students.
He has also engaged in networking and engagement through the LUU Everywhere project review, has featured on student podcasts and has attended many high profile meetings this month: including:-Pro-Deans International, International Strategy Board, Senate, Research Ethics Committee, VC Monthly Meeting, Library Meeting, Joint Graduate Board.
Lucy Hart, Union Affairs & Communications Officer:
Lucy has been working in depth on the cost of living and tuition fees. You can catch her interview with LSTV on tuition fees here. She also passed a Better Forums policy on lobbying to change higher education funding models, which you can find here. In relation to her previous update on the Renters Rights Bill she has been working hard to write recommendations. She’s also been making great strides in student safety, last month was the 47th Reclaim the night. She’s also been working hard to change the lives of Student Parents buy introducing a child area in Common Ground – more information to come on this soon! And for Healthcare students she has been having conversations with Russell Group SUs – linking up to support work by the BMA and gathering evidence to improve your experience. Finally she’s been relationship building by having VC Shearer on LSR and engaging her with other student media channels.
Lydia Shale, Activities & Opportunities Officer:
Lydia has been working hard on accessibility this month. As highlighted in her last update, this month she has successfully held mixed gender netball and football festivals in collaboration with the University of Leeds. There’s also some exciting events coming up including a Women’s Sports Panel where you may have the opportunity to hear Olympians speak on the panel! She has also had the privilege of presenting at the Sports Scholar induction evening, speaking at the BUCS Regional Meeting with Amara and excitingly has had her discovery module for Club and Society members approved! This is a great opportunity for all of our members to develop their professional skills.
Shivani Gug, Education Officer:
Shivani has been working hard to deliver her Faculty Roadshows to a number of faculties this year – and these will continue into the new year! She has also been working closely with the Library and will be discussing accessibility with them in collaboration with disability services. Finally, you’ll have seen her featured in a number of communications campaigns relating to graduation!