What is Welcome, and is it different to Freshers? And when does it start?
Welcome is what we call our Freshers to show that it isn’t just for new students – everyone is welcome! The difference is that Welcome refers to daytime events, while Freshers is used to talk about our nighttime programme. But every student is welcome to any event – it is never too late to get involved with LUU.
Our Welcome Week officially starts on 23 September, but there are events before it too – such as the Arrival Party on 22 September.
Check out the programme and learn more on our Welcome page!
What is a Welcome Fair?
A Welcome Fair is your chance to meet all of our 300+ clubs & societies, as well as external businesses and brands, and find out all the ways you can get involved and make the most out of your time at Leeds. We host three Welcome Fairs – on 23, 24 and 25 September.
Here’s what clubs & societies you can meet each day:
- 23 September – dance, music & performance, media, culture, political & campaigning
- 24 September – sports, outdoor, martial arts, medics sports, academic, volunteering, general interest
- 25 September – sports, outdoor, martial arts, dance, social league teams, general interest, welfare, faith
What is a Students’ Union, and how do I become a member?
A Students’ Union is an independent organisation that exists to represent students and their interests to the university, as well as on a local and national scale, giving them a voice on the things that matter to them.
LUU – Leeds University Union – is a not-for-profit charity run by students for students. LUU is run by six Student Exec Officers who are elected each year by the members of the Union, and supported by a team of dedicated staff. Our charitable status means that every penny of profit we make goes straight back into improving things for the students.
You don’t need to pay for a membership or apply to join LUU. Any student at the University of Leeds is a member.
During your registration process, you will be asked if you would like to join the Union – by ticking this, you will make it easier to get involved with what we have to offer.
To stay in the loop, make sure to follow us on social media, and check your inbox for our weekly term-time newsletter!
How will I make friends?
It is normal to feel overwhelmed and lonely when you come to university – you might have left your home for the first time, you might have even moved to a new country, and you might struggle to approach new people. But you’re not alone feeling like this!
Here’s our top tips to make friends:
- Check out our vast catalogue of clubs & societies. Register for a membership if anything grabs your attention, or try it first at our free Give It A Go sessions. You can also meet all the clubs & societies at the Welcome Fairs and ask them anything in person!
- If you’re staying in halls, get to know your hallmates. Prop your door open and put some music on as you unpack – anyone passing is bound to say hi. If you want to get chatting to people before you arrive, you can join the official Facebook group for your hall. You hall will also be organising events throughout the year.
- Check out the Global Cafe every Monday in Common Ground. It is an opportunity for any student to meet new people, relax with friends, have great conversations, and enjoy free refreshments.
- Take a look at our events programme. Our trips and mindfulness sessions are a great environment to connect with new people.
- Become a student leader, if you feel the calling to make a difference. By putting yourself out there for Lead LUU or joining Liberation and International Student Network (LISN), or doing some volunteering, not only are you helping improve our community, you’re also expanding your network with like-minded passionate people.
- Work in LUU. LUU is a great place to work as a student as it is convenient and flexible. Make friends while earning money and picking up useful skills!
How do I log in to LUU websites?
First things first, there are two websites you need to check out:
- Leeds University Union (luu.org.uk) for general information, resources and recent updates
- Engage for events, clubs & societies, and FAQs
You can only log in to Engage around 48 after receiving your student card, as we need the University to confirm you’re a student and send across your data.
Important note: As part of your registration with the University, you’ll be asked if you want to be a member of LUU. While you will be able to access all of our services even if you say ‘no’, you won’t be able to log in to our website and will therefore miss out on joining clubs & societies and buying tickets to events.
If you can’t log in and you think it might be because you opted out of LUU membership, you’ll need to contact the University to let them know you’ve changed your mind. Just drop an email to registration@leeds.ac.uk with your name and student number and ask to update your LUU membership.
If you’re sure you ticked ‘yes’, but you still can’t log in 48 hours after collecting your student card, email ithelpdesk@luu.org.uk with your name and student number, and we’ll sort it.
Quick Questions
On a University computer: press Ctrl + Alt + Delete, enter ‘mypassword’ in both boxes, enter student ID number and date of birth.
On a home computer: visit mypassword.leeds.ac.uk, enter your student ID number and date of birth.
Totum card is a student discount card which can be used to save on food, fashion, cinema, rail tickets, and loads more. It starts at £12 and lasts either one, two or three years.
You can order yours directly from the Totum website.
Note – you can get discounts with your student ID too!
You can ask our friendly Help & Support staff for directions. You can also use the map in the UniLeeds mobile app, or look at the map online.
There is a cash machine in Union Square on Level -1 of LUU, next to the Amazon lockers – this does have a charge. The nearest free cash point is outside Tesco near the Parkinson Building.
There are a number of water fountains in LUU, and you can always get water in our cafes and bars.
All property lost in LUU is handed in to Help & Support in the Foyer, either on the day it was lost, or at the latest 48 hours later. We also get lost property handed in that has been found elsewhere on campus, so it’s worth checking even if you lost it somewhere else.
There is one post box near the Business School and one just after the Laidlaw library. You can get stamps from the Co-op in LUU.
If you’re returning a parcel to an online company, you may be able to drop it off in the Union Shop using Collect Plus. If it’s a personal parcel or the retailer doesn’t accept Collect Plus, the Post Office is your best bet. You can choose one near your house or the closest ones to campus are St Johns or Woodsley Road.
Useful links: