Tell us more about Tamil culture! What is its importance in your life?
“Tamil is a language that originates from South India and Sri Lanka, and it is the oldest language that is still spoken today. That’s how I communicate with my family who cannot speak English. In addition to that, there are many traditions that myself and my family try to maintain in the UK, and this really helps us to stay connected to our distant family and honour our ancestors.”
“One of my favourite festivals in the Tamil calendar is Thai Pongal. This is held in January, or the Tamil month Thai, and it is our harvest festival. On this day, people go to the temple, eat good food and spend time with relatives, and I really enjoy the way that this festival allows us to say thank you to Mother Earth and the gods.”
Why do you think it is important to connect with our roots, and get to know other cultures?
“I enjoy how Leeds embraces lots of cultures, and Tamil Society is a good way for us to meet new people who may be international students or home students, and create a community which helps us feel at home. I think it is important to honour our heritage to ensure that it continues, and it helps us remember. I enjoy sharing my culture with other people as I am very passionate and proud of it.”
“I think it is really important to engage with other cultures to improve our understanding of the people around us. I think World Unite Festival in Leeds is a great way to do this as it exposes us to a wide variety of cultures that are present in Leeds, so you can do activities and watch performances that give you a taste of a different culture, and this will allow you to go on to research them further if they pique your interest.”
This article has been edited for clarity before being published.