Ilayda (she/her) - Volunteering
Hi, I’m Ilayda, and I’m super pleased to be your Volunteering Rep this year! My work in volunteering currently involves being the Corporate communications officer for The 93% Club Leeds. I’d love to promote volunteering opportunities and successes here at LUU and ensure the welfare of our lovely student volunteers. You can reach me on Instagram @luuvolunteeringrep or by email: i.ozkan@luu.org.uk!
Vacant - Welfare
Contact us at: m.camara@leeds.ac.uk
Vacant - Martial arts
Contact us at: activities@leeds.ac.uk

Sophie - Academic
Hi, I’m Sophie, your Academic Rep for this year. I’m currently the Netball Secretary for the Chemistry Society and have previously been involved in the Natural Sciences Society as the Treasurer. I’m really looking forward to this year and trying to create more links between all the academic societies, so please feel free to get in contact with me for anything you might need or any ideas you have.
Contact me at: s.anderton@luu.org.uk

Ellen - Outdoor
Hi, I’m Ellen, and the Outdoor Rep this year! I’m part of the Sailing society. I’m really looking forward to bringing cohesion to all outdoor sports.
Contact me at: e.bickley@luu.org.uk

Claire - Dance
Hi, I’m Claire, the Dance Rep this year! I’m LUU Dance’s biggest fan, and I can’t wait to organise our events and bring all the societies together! Intercomp 2024 is already in the works, so keep an eye out for that! It’s not one to miss <3
Contact me at: c.mitchell@luu.org.uk

Suhani - Culture
Greetings! I am Suhani Jain, and I am honoured to be the Leeds University Union’s Culture Representative. I’m dedicated to creating a friendly, inclusive campus community where people from different cultural backgrounds are valued in this position. By organising exciting activities and projects, I hope to improve intercultural understanding while making every student feel appreciated and included. I work to establish a platform that celebrates diversity and enhances the university community with common customs and experiences by partnering with different student organisations and societies.
Contact me at: s.jain@luu.org.uk

Matty (he/him) - Media
Hi, I’m Matty, and I’m so excited to be your Media Rep this year! I was Head of Live at LSTV from 2022-23, a current NaSTA Trustee and a member of LSR. Student media has led to the most incredible experiences and opportunities, such as spending a week at Global’s Newsroom and at Studio Lambert. I want to use my role to support you in any way I can, ensuring all media societies in Leeds continue to thrive by creating opportunities. Feel free to email me (matty.fisher@luu.org.uk) or message me on Instagram (@luumediarep) with any questions you may have!

Kate (they/she) - Music and Performance
Hiya! I’m Kate, the Music and Performance Rep for this year! This is my fourth year in Leeds, and I’m involved in lots of theatre societies, such as Open Theatre, Theatre Group and Musical Theatre Society. I’m excited to get to know all the societies and promote unity across such talented creatives.
Contact me at: k.matthews1@luu.org.uk

Nik - Faith
Hiya, I’m Nik, and I’m your Faith Rep! I’m really looking forward to working with LUU this year to promote a welcoming and affirming environment for all our students and societies of faith.
Contact me at: n.zychowicz@luu.org.uk

Meg - Sport
Hi, my name is Meg, and I am your new Sports Rep! I am the current Social Secretary of Leeds Motorsport Society and the previous Vice President. The sports at Leeds have been a big part of my university experience, and I can’t wait to share my passion with everyone. I hope to make sports more inclusive and enjoyable for all students this year.
Contact me at: meg.wood@luu.org.uk
Mohana - Political & Campaigning
Contact me at: m.abdurahman@luu.org.uk

Ashley - General Interest
Heya, I’m Ashley, the General Interest Rep! I’ve been a part of the hobby and geek community at the union over the last couple of years; I’ve served as DiceSoc Social Media Officer and founded the Magic The Gathering Society! This year, my main goal is getting more people involved in hobbies while at uni, making new friends, and improving their mental health! I also want to make hobby spaces in the union more inclusive! This year, I will be running a Women And Non-Binary Gaming Day to provide an inclusive space for people to interact with gaming without the fear of conventional gaming spaces, which are often misogynistic. In addition to this, I will be running Geek Night, an inclusive club night for people who don’t feel comfortable visiting conventional clubs. It will also have the added bonus of lots of geeky activities, such as a cosplay competition! I’m also launching an interview series with general interest societies to try to get more people involved and discover new hobbies, so tune into that on my Instagram account @generallyinterestingashley. Feel free to message me if you need help with anything, whether you’re on a committee or looking to get involved with societies but aren’t sure where to start!
Contact me at: a.pearce@luu.org.uk