LibCo - Myah Charles (she/her)
Hi, I’m Myah. I’m doing a Masters in Race and Resistance and am a new Liberation Coordinator at Leeds University Union. As a student of race and resistance history, I have a particular interest in liberation issues relating to race and am very excited about setting up campaigns to support students of colour and international students.
I also feel that a focus on intersectionality is really important when discussing ‘liberation’ and want to make sure that LUU runs some strong campaigns relating to women’s rights and issues facing the LGBTQ+ community.
I love pub quizzes and karaoke, and have a strong interest in Black feminist literature! My email is always open for anyone who would like to reach out regarding Liberation at LUU.
LibCo - Nikita Zychowicz (he/him)
Hi everyone, I’m Nikita (or Nik for short!), and I’m doing an MSc in Inequalities and Social Science. I applied to be a LibCo because I know how important the student voice is to making our Union a more inclusive and welcoming space, and I want to be a part of that voice and to help push through lasting change. A fun fact about me: I’m a Cuban salsa instructor for LUU Salsa Society!
LibCo - Jatin Sharma (he/him)
A lawyer and an engineer turned entrepreneur by background, studying MBA at University of Leeds.
I believe in the principles of equity, good concise and natural justice to achieve a state of warmth, welcome and equal opportunities for all. I have a vision to work for and support all the students identifying as members of any liberation group during my days at the university and professional life ahead.
Liberation and Campaigns Assistant - Rachel Cantlow (she/her)
Hello all, I’m Rachel and I am your new Liberation and Campaigns Assistant (it’s a bit of a mouthful)! So what does it mean? Well… The Political Engagement Team (PET) and I are here to help give a platform for student voice, whether that be through campaigning, protesting, suggesting a policy in Better Forums or running and voting in the elections we hold on campus…and anything in-between! As the Liberation and Campaigns Assistant, I’m particularly focused on helping support our Liberation Group students and working with them to make their time at Leeds as safe, fun, accessible and inclusive as possible. The LibCo reps and Equality and Liberation Student Exec Officer help to inform and guide our work in Liberation and make positive change to improve student experience. The PET team and I are located in the Rep Room on Level 1 of LUU, so please come by or send us an email at for anything Liberation, Political Engagement and International Student focused.