Hopefully your first term has been an enjoyable one, but if you have experienced harassment, assault or any other misconduct, please report it using the University’s Report & Support tool. We can then make sure that somebody gets in touch to support you, or – if you report anonymously – that the incident is logged and monitored.
If you experience or witness any form of violence, abuse, bullying, harassment, sexual misconduct or discrimination either during your time at the University or before, you can contact the Harassment and Misconduct team who can support you to explore your options.
If you find yourself needing any assistance while the University is closed during the Christmas period, please don’t hesitate to contact Security Services for assistance. They can be contacted 24/7 during the Christmas break via the Safezone app, or by calling 0113 3432222.
At night
To get home safe at night, it is always a good practice to go out in groups, and to choose Amber Cars or taxi/Uber, or the LUU night bus.
Unfortunately, this season often sees a spike in fraudulent action – scam calls, tenancy frauds, online harassment and blackmail are only a few examples. Protect your money and your wellbeing by learning more – visit Action Fraud.
Have you been a victim of fraud? Would you be interested in (anonymously) sharing your incident to help us protect students? Please talk to your International and Postgraduate Officer Vicky – v.zhuo@luu.org.uk.