We had lots of applications to be a part of the LibCo team this year, and after a competitive interview process we’re really pleased to introduce you to the new team for 2020/21:
Ana-Sofia Velasco
Ana-Sofia identifies as Disabled, Women, Working Class.

Regina Osei-Bonsu
Regina identifies as BAME, Women, Working Class.

Alex Lewis
Alex identifies as BAME, LGBQ+, Women.

Alexandra Slee
Alexandra identifies as Women, Working Class.

Ruby Fatimilehin
Ruby identifies as BAME, LGBQ+, Women.

Lily Darling
Lily identifies as Disabled, LGBQ+, Women.

Danielle Yu
Danielle identifies as BAME, Women, Working Class.

Laila Fletcher, Equality and Diversity Officer and former Liberation Coordinator, said:
“As a LibCo, not only do you get to support students, you can enable their voices to be heard, represented and celebrated. It provided so much character growth for me, leading to my current position, but also allowed me to realise how small actions can impact students in a massive way. I’m looking forward to working alongside the new LibCos team this year!”
If you’re interested in getting in touch with the LibCos, or being involved in events and campaigns, you can find their details using our handy representative finder. Or, get in touch with our Political Engagement Team to find out more.