Exams & Assessments
Helping you through the exam season
Exams and assessments come with a lot of pressure which might lead you to feeling overwhelmed and anxious. In turn, stress can cloud our minds.
Whether you’re revising for an exam or are smashing through essays and projects, it is important to stay grounded and connected, and take care of your mental and physical health.
We’re here to guide and support you.
You've got this!

Studying in LUU
Struggling to stay motivated at home? There are lots of spaces to study in LUU – including cosy booths and tables for a group revision session. There’s plenty of plugs available to keep you powered!
Looking for a notebook, revision cards or pens? Union Shop is stocked up for all your revising needs!
When you get hungry, you won’t have to go far. We have a large variety of eateries and food options to keep you nourished – from meal deals to world cuisines! And if you’re worried about food at home, visit Essentials for free supplies.
And when you need to take a break, head down to Crossroads to de-stress with videogames or boardgames! Or, browse our programme of mindful relaxing events, like yoga and pilates.
From 20 May to 7 June, Room 5 on Level 2 will also be available to you as a quiet space to relax.

Free exam breakfast
Don’t go to exams hungry!
Head over to Essentials between 8am – 9am to enjoy free porridge, fruit and croissants for breakfast (vegan options available). Just don’t forget to bring your student ID card!
Clarence Docks shuttle bus
Coming to the University from Clarence Docks? Hop on our free shuttle bus!
The bus will be running from 20 May to 7 June, on Monday – Friday.
Feeling overwhelmed?
Organise your thoughts. Your thoughts are likely going to be jumbled all together, as you try to sort through lecture slides, notes, facts, references, and quotes. Use post-it notes, a whiteboard, flashcards – whatever helps to put it all together in a way which feels easy to navigate and memorise.
Take breaks. Rest is important. Step back from your studies to help your brain catch up to sort and memorise the information you’re taking in. Even a ten-minute break can do wonders to your mental wellbeing!
Treat yourself. Do something nice for yourself after ticking something off from your to-do list. Rewards can be motivating to keep you going!
Connect and share. Though you might prefer individual work, it can be soothing and empowering to talk to others. You might want to revise or work on your assessment with your coursemates. Or, call a friend to chat about your worries! Sometimes it’s helpful to simply voice what you’re trying to understand or memorise out loud.
See what others have done in the past. Use past papers and example essays to take the stress of the unknown away.
Set deadlines. Give yourself enough time to revise and to prepare your assessments by creating a manageable schedule. It might be helpful to set smaller deadlines leading up to the main deadlines – like writing 100 words in the essay, or revising one chapter.
Eat well. Don’t rely on snacks to power you through – you need that good nutrition to keep you going. Perhaps consider pre-planning your meals or food-prepping.
Move your body. You might prefer going to gym, or fitting in a fitness class to release your stress, but there are easier options too. Sometimes all it takes is a brief walk outside to clear your mind. Or, just stand up and give your body a good stretch!
Need some help?
From revision to managing stress, Library has a thorough guide in how to prepare you for exams:
On Engage, you can find a list of FAQs about everything from referencing, proofreading, and receiving support as a disabled student:
If you’re concerned about mitigating circumstances, plagiarism, or appeals, you’ll find these FAQs useful:
There are lots of useful resources and supportive services available within LUU and the University. If you’re still feeling stuck, just talk to our Help & Support team, and they will guide you in the right direction: