Student Activities
Enrich your student experience
Clubs, societies and activities are some of the most important parts of the Uni experience for so many students. And with more than 300 student-run clubs and societies, as well as a jam-packed annual calendar of events, festivals, volunteering opportunities, trips, performances and sports matches, you could say we take that responsibility seriously here at LUU.
Get involved, make friends, and try something new.

Find your community
Clubs and societies are the ultimate way to meet new friends and find your people, whilst finding new interests and building new skills. They’re run entirely by student committees (with a little help from our staff team) and do some really incredible stuff. From charity fundraising like the RAG Fashion Show to radio broadcasting and musicals, our societies make a difference to students’ lives every day – whether that’s a major campaign or a way to find like-minded people to support you.
Our clubs, societies and student groups cover virtually every interest imaginable. Whether you’re interested in meeting students from your subject, are into the arts, sports, political campaigning or beyond, there’s bound to be a group for you – and if there’s not, you can set one up yourself!
Enhance your everyday experience
If you’re passionate about making a difference to your local community, why not try some volunteering? It’s a great way of enhancing your student experience, meeting like-minded people, and leaving a positive impact.
Maybe you’re looking to explore Yorkshire and the wider UK? We offer a programme of trips to give you the opportunity to get some fresh air and see new sights!
Or maybe you’re looking for a student space in LUU – we have plenty of those! From our gaming hub, Crossroads, to meeting rooms and dance studios, there’s a place for you in LUU.