Activities Reps
Representing our diverse community of clubs and societies
13 students represent our 300+ clubs and societies as part of our Activities Exec team, supported by the Activities and Opportunities Officer.
The Activities Exec represents the views and interests of club and society members to decision makers at the Union and University, to ensure they are providing the best experience for our members.

Your Activities Reps 2024-25
General Interest – Ashley Pearce
Dance – Claire Mitchell
Music and Performance – Kate Matthews
Political and Campaigning – Mohana Abdurahman
Academic – Sophie Anderton
Faith – Nikita Zychowiz
Media – Matty Fisher
Martial Arts – Vacant
Sports – Meg Wood
Outdoor – Ellen Bickley
Volunteering – Ilayda Ozkan
Culture – Suhani Jain
Welfare – Vacant
What do they do?
Each member of the Activities Exec represents a category of LUU societies.
They make key decisions about new society formations, allocate funding, chair five Society Executive Category Meetings to gather feedback on proposed policies, and represent the voices and needs of members in their category at the Better Forums.
Examples of great Activities Exec work includes approving over £80,000 of Activities Grants to help societies do amazing things, as well as organising and presenting the Riley Awards – a glamorous awards ceremony celebrating the very best of our clubs and societies.
Are you the next Activities Exec?
Every year, the Activities Exec is elected during the Activities Exec Elections.
Anyone in a club or a society is welcome to nominate themselves. Joining the Activities Exec is the best way to combine making real improvements for club and society members with developing your own skills, meeting new people and getting involved with important decision making while you’re still at uni. Great for you, and for other students – what’s not to love?
Training and support is provided to all successful candidates, so don’t worry if it’s your first time running for a student leadership position.