Leeds University Union gives notice that an annual general meeting will take place on Thursday 12 May at 17.15, immediately following the Better Union Forum which starts at that time. Members are invited to attend the general meeting to find out about the Union’s business and ask questions. The meeting will consider and vote on a special resolution to adopt amendments to the Bye-Laws and Articles of Association approved by the Board of Trustees, and in line with recommendations made by NCVO. An agenda for the meeting is attached to this notice. The meeting will take place on Zoom and members can register to attend the meeting online on the LUU website. Members unable to attend the meeting but wishing to vote by proxy on any item can do so by casting a secret vote in advance of the meeting by contacting the chair, Aysha Burton. They can do this by contacting and indicating whether they support or oppose any item. Confirmation will be sent to members voting by proxy that their vote has been cast on the Agenda items they would like to vote on.
Agenda: LUU Annual General Meeting
Thursday 12 May 2022 – online
5.15pm (to follow Better Union Forum)
1. Minutes of the previous AGM for ratification as a true and accurate record of that meeting
Aysha Burton (Chair of the Board of Trustees and Union Affairs Officer)
2. Trustees Report – Sharing LUU Impact
Aysha Burton
3. The Union Accounts & Affiliations
Brief introduction by Josh Smith (chair of the Audit and Risk committee)
4. Appointment of the Auditors
Aysha Burton
5. Special Resolution: Should LUU adopt the amendments to its Bye-Laws and Articles of Association as recommended by NCVO and approved by the Board of Trustees?
Aysha Burton
6. Questions from members