Chris Morris - your Union Affairs Officer
This Term, Chris held the first Give and Take session, an informal political debate, recruited new members for the Union’s Board of Trustees and oversaw the first round of the student forums, which were well attended, with many ideas passing and becoming policy.
“Next term, I’m going to be working on exploring how we can engage more closely with student groups that we don’t usually reach, as well as focusing on how we can offer LUU services away from the Union building.” – Chris
Matt Port - your Welfare Officer
Matt’s year has got off to a great start, he’s made progress with his campaign to support safer drug use, and is working with the Alcohol and Drug Education Consultancy to create a survey to better understand drug use on campus. Look out for the survey.
He also made strides with his Period Poverty campaign, and the Idea has now been passed at the Better University Forum that LUU will lobby the University to provide free sanitary products to students.
“One of my highlights of the year has been participating in the Better Forums. Being able to talk to students about what’s important to them, and subsequently passing my Idea, was really rewarding.” – Matt
Lauren Huxley - your Activities Officer
Lauren has launched her Tell Me More campaign, which looks to improve club and societies accessibility and she has also been in conversations internally and with the university about space and the importance of co-curricular activity.
“Next year, I’m looking forward to my exciting plans for the Tell Me More Campaign and seeing what all the clubs and socs have planned for re-freshers.” – Lauren
Tamsin Scott - your Equality and Diversity Officer
Black History Month wouldn’t be possible without the collaboration between Tamsin and Serene. She’s also been working with the disability liberation coordinators to get some great events together for Disability History Month. And she’s been working with the Plus Programme to look at what experiences are like for working class students here at Leeds, and how they can be improved.
“My highlight so far is seeing students get involved in activities during Black History Month and Disability Month, and realise that they have a place they can be authentically themselves at LUU. “ – Tamsin
Serene Esuruoso - your Education Officer
Serene has been working to change the way the University do module feedback, look out for some new methods of feedback being trailed in selected Schools in January. Serene is also working to help Joint Honours students graduate with the School they choose and has made some recommendations to the uni on ways they can support off-campus students
“My highlight has certainly been working in partnership with students and the University to improve the academic experience and I can’t wait to work on this further next term.” – Serene
Tom Oladipo - your Community Officer
Last but not least, Tom has set up his Culture Cooks initiative, which will hopefully see its first event in the New Year, cooking up plenty of tasty recipes from all the diverse cultures around Leeds and campus. All Tom wants for Christmas is a new recycling machine in the Union that rewards students for recycling, watch this space to see if his dream comes true.