What does Earth Day mean to you personally, and why do you think students should care about it?
“For me, Earth Day means the acknowledgement that we are experiencing ecological crises, and an opportunity to focus on the roots of these problems, and take climate action. Earth Day is a chance to demonstrate our support for the environment collectively, for people to get together, share knowledge, organise, and plan action.”
“Students should care about Earth Day because it is empowering to take environmental action in whatever form that takes. Earth Day is about connecting with people to promote environmental wellbeing.”
Tell us about your relationship with nature!
“I enjoy being outside and appreciating the beauty of a natural landscape. Equally, I recognise the chaos and wildness of nature. There is beauty to be found in the balance of order and chaos and nature shows that they are not two opposing things. The wild is pure chance and opportunity, yet there is serenity and tranquillity.”
“Being in nature is good for us, both in physical and mental health. It is comforting to realise that we are part of nature.”
“Working with the land can bring peace of mind, so I like to work on allotments (Woodhouse Moor, Hyde Park).”
How do you practice sustainability at home and at Uni?
“I compost our food waste at the Green Action allotment plots in Woodhouse Moor, and I try to mostly shop from independent sellers, green grocers, and the Green Action Food Co-operative. At Uni, I am a part of Green Action society, communicate with community and action groups, run the food co-op in the LUU building, and the Woodhouse Moor allotments.”
“Our society engages with action groups and networks like Earth First!, and Radical Routes for mutual aid in efforts for social change. In Leeds, we are looking to start a new housing co-operative with friends as a socially sustainable housing alternative to renting and landlordism.”
What's one thing students can do at LUU to leave a positive green impact?
“Come to the Green Action Food Co-op to see what we stock and what we do! The Food Co-op is non-profit, wholesale, vegan, ethical food and goods. Shop for groceries with us instead of shops with loads of plastic and unethical products.”
“The Food Co-op is example of student initiatives for alternative systems which prioritise the environmental and social impacts of consumption. It is open to students and non-students and runs as a non-hierarchical co-operative. We stock all sorts of essentials, and we are open to suggestions.”
Tell us more about your society, what your mission is, and what you've been up to!
“Green Action Society is for real social and environmental action close to home and then outwards. As a co-operative, we value community and egalitarian decision-making. We enable each other in taking control back over our life practices – consuming, working, and living consciously. Our mission is to create a sustainable future together.”
“Grassroots control and economic revolution through co-operation.” – Radical Routes
“The Food Co-op is open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. We have Sunday allotment sessions, we have socials coming up – an end of year picnic with Sustainability Society and LSSC, we’re having meetings to set up a housing co-operative, and there are also various gatherings over Summer like Reclaim the Power, and Earth First!”
This article has been edited for clarity before being published.