24h library at the University
Have you had any late study sessions at the Laidlaw Library?
Having a 24-hour library was proposed in 2021 by Education Officer Meg Hodkinson. The project was supported by the Education Officer Bethan Corner, and it became reality in 2023.
Drug testing kits
The idea that students should be able to access free drug testing kits was proposed by Welfare Officer Matt Port in 2016, and resubmitted by Wellbeing Officer Emily Tabern in 2019. This was implemented in 2023.
Drug testing kits are now available in the Advice Office.
Free sanitary products
Did you know that you can access free sustainable period products, contraceptives, and other sexual health items around the Union? Just visit the cabinets outside the Exec Office on the first floor or the Advice Office in the foyer, and help yourself!
This idea was proposed by Caitlin Berry, and was initiated by Welfare Officer Matt Port, and Equality and Diversity Officer Tamsin Scott in 2019. It was then picked up and revamped by Wellbeing Officer Beth Eaton in 2021 – instead of vending machines that dispensed a singular pad, cabinets stocked with sustainable supplies were introduced.
Plus Programme funding for clubs & societies
Clubs and societies should be accessible to every student, and this is something Activities Officer Lydia Evans was passionate about. In May 2020, Lydia proposed that LUU should seek to support students who face financial barriers to participate in clubs and societies.
From this proposal, over £30,000 of Plus Programme funding was used in 2022-23 to support students from lower-income households with club and society costs.
Two-year post study work visas
Union Affairs Officer Chris Morris proposed the idea in 2019 that LUU should campaign and lobby the Government to reintroduce two-year post study work visas.
LUU successfully lobbied the Government, who made the change in the Immigration Bill 2021.