Mahsa’s (Jîna’s) death sparked anti-government protests and demonstrations in Iran and across the world. Though there have been anti-government protests in Iran in the past, it is the first time in recent history that these have united people from all class and age groups, and have spread across different regions so significantly.
The slogan brought forth from the protester’s bravery and temerity to act – ‘Woman, Life Freedom’ – indicates what they are all about. This is about the right of women to stand as equals in society. It’s also about the right to a dignified life. And, fundamentally, about opposing the mistreatment of a nation of much potential.
To crack down on the protests, authorities have restricted internet access in Iran and have injured or killed innocent protestors, including students.
As your Student Exec Team, we praise the women of Iran and all protestors, risking their lives in a fight for their fundamental rights. We stand in solidarity with all those who fight for freedom and justice. We encourage students to stay informed, and speak out on the issue of oppression by those in power.
Bethan Corner, Education Officer
Ella Williams, Activities & Opportunities Officer
Emily Tabern, Wellbeing Officer
Haryati Mohammed, Equality & Liberation Officer
Maria Papageorgiou, Union Affairs & Communications Officer
Vicky Zhuo, International & Postgraduate Officer
If you’re affected by the events and would like to talk to somebody, contact our Help & Support team for free, confidential advice. You can find them in the LUU building or get in touch by phone or email.